Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Fairy Princess and the Pink Poodle

A couple of weeks ago I taking care of my 2.5 year old granddaughter. A few hours after she had been with me she said she wanted to play dress- up. My granddaughters all love playing dress- up and they have a unique stash of dress- up clothes to choose from. Unfortunately since we downsized and moved into a smaller house more suitable for just Dan and I, there is little storage space and I gave all the dress-up clothes to Goodwill. Tanner (my granddaughter) caught me off guard and I should have put some thought into what could have been used for dress- up.

Some days I would love to just dress-up and escape into a world of make believe. No doubt all of us have wished that at one time or another. Can you imagine living in the world of make believe where there is no worries or cares. A world where you determine all the circumstances and out comes...where even the sky was not the limit. Just think you could be a "Fairy Princess and have your very own "Pink Poodle" who talks!

The Lord has given us many promises about a world full of adventure; a world where the sky is not the limit...if we will but only tap into the supernatural provisions He has made possible for us. The promises are there but why have we not experienced what the Lord has so graciously made a way for? The child like faith, believing even though we have not seen. When we were children we simply believed because our parents told us about something .... we just took them at their word. Yet, the King of Kings, the Lord God Almighty, the Creator of this world whose name is above all names, who watches over His word to make sure that His word is performed ... has spoken. Why don't we believe? Our children believe because they spend time with us and the past time they have spent with us has proven to them that they can believe what we tell them, but they can also count on us to do what we have said we would do.

I want to pull out the "stops", throw off anything that would hold me back from diving into the supernatural, miracle working, nothing is impossible promise and provision the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords has made a way for! He said it... And that settles it!

Psalm 119:89 Forever, O Lord Your word is settled in heaven.

Luke 1:37 for nothing is impossible with God.

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