Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Fairy Princess and the Pink Poodle

A couple of weeks ago I taking care of my 2.5 year old granddaughter. A few hours after she had been with me she said she wanted to play dress- up. My granddaughters all love playing dress- up and they have a unique stash of dress- up clothes to choose from. Unfortunately since we downsized and moved into a smaller house more suitable for just Dan and I, there is little storage space and I gave all the dress-up clothes to Goodwill. Tanner (my granddaughter) caught me off guard and I should have put some thought into what could have been used for dress- up.

Some days I would love to just dress-up and escape into a world of make believe. No doubt all of us have wished that at one time or another. Can you imagine living in the world of make believe where there is no worries or cares. A world where you determine all the circumstances and out comes...where even the sky was not the limit. Just think you could be a "Fairy Princess and have your very own "Pink Poodle" who talks!

The Lord has given us many promises about a world full of adventure; a world where the sky is not the limit...if we will but only tap into the supernatural provisions He has made possible for us. The promises are there but why have we not experienced what the Lord has so graciously made a way for? The child like faith, believing even though we have not seen. When we were children we simply believed because our parents told us about something .... we just took them at their word. Yet, the King of Kings, the Lord God Almighty, the Creator of this world whose name is above all names, who watches over His word to make sure that His word is performed ... has spoken. Why don't we believe? Our children believe because they spend time with us and the past time they have spent with us has proven to them that they can believe what we tell them, but they can also count on us to do what we have said we would do.

I want to pull out the "stops", throw off anything that would hold me back from diving into the supernatural, miracle working, nothing is impossible promise and provision the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords has made a way for! He said it... And that settles it!

Psalm 119:89 Forever, O Lord Your word is settled in heaven.

Luke 1:37 for nothing is impossible with God.

Friday, January 27, 2012



The older Dan and I become it seems the less emphasis we have placed on our birthdays.  However, I woke up early this morning with a realization of how special this day was 57 years ago.  The love of my life made his grand entrance into this world, and if that had not happened I would have missed out of an enduring love.  Today I will practice what we preach.  You see, we tell couples who we are counseling in pre-marriage or marriage to celebrate special days together and never forget a birthday.  Everyone should be celebrated at least one day a year.  Consider the fact that there are 365 days a year and what can potential happen in 365 days … at least one of those should be special for each of us.

I dug out our wedding album; the one I put together after “Creative Memories” came on the scene.  I was flipping through this album for the perfect picture of Dan that I could scan, crop and post on Facebook.  Now you must understand I do not have an artist bone in my body so this attempt at scrapbooking is a “C” at best.  Do to the fact that I am not real artistic I had saved all of our wedding cards we had received for our wedding and used them in our wedding album to help decorate it.   I must confess when I am given a card I read it, but I cannot say I always reflect on the words written on the card, unless those words were written by the giver of the card.  Wedding cards may just be one of those cards that get overlooked by the bride and groom.  Most likely they received tons of cards, there is so much activity going on as they prepare for the wedding, the wedding day itself, a whirlwind honeymoon and bang life has begun.

I have no idea who gave us this wedding card to us because I cut out the poem inside of it to use in our wedding album and threw away the rest.  The words are worth sharing with you today and were penned by Robert Graves.

Then love me more than dearly, love me wholly,
Love me with no weighing of circumstance,
As I am pledged in honor to love you;
With no weakness, with no speculation
On what might happen should you and I prove less
Than bringers to be of our own certainty.
Neither was born by hazard; each foreknew
The extreme possession we are grown into.

Yes, it is true none of us are born by hazard or mistake.  

Psalms 139:13-14(NKJV)
For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.

Jeremiah 1:5(NKJV)
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

Happy Birthday my love, the Lord knew what He was doing, and I at last have a love that is a thrilling dream!!

Friday, January 20, 2012


A Story of Honor

I just watched the movie trailer for the soon to be released movie called THE VOW.  The movie is based on a true story and of course I have not seen it yet.  In our book WE PROMISE, we tell about a true story of honor and love.  This story about Eric and Colleen’s life is worthy to receive the title; THE VOW KEPT.  Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and this is a story of love.

Years ago we had the privilege of becoming friends with Eric and Colleen. Our friendship was easily developed because we shared much in common. Our beliefs in God are the same as well as our love for the water. We are all bona fide Lakers to the fullest extent. As we grew to know Eric and Colleen, it became very evident that their love for each other was deeply rooted, and they were true examples of honoring one another. Their love story is well worth sharing.

Eric and Colleen were high school sweethearts. Being each other’s best friends and truly loving one another, they married young and together had one son. Summer as well as winter activities have always been paramount in their lives. They have been very active physically. Eric and Colleen are the type of people who live life to the fullest and are diligent to see any task as well as activity through. They have now been married for forty years.

About fifteen years ago after returning from a downhill skiing trip to Utah, Colleen had a severe stroke. Life as they knew it changed dynamically. Even though Colleen is a determined, strong woman, the best of medicine and rehabilitation could not reverse the damage of the stroke or grant her a full recovery. The last few years have brought on increased medical challenges with many hospitalizations. One thing that has always been evident to Dan and me is Eric’s undying devotion and support of Colleen. Eric always honors his wife in word and deed; when he speaks of her, he says she is unstoppable, his love for her is undying, and he calls her his bride. Together they have faced great challenges, especially these last few years.

Colleen fights for victory over the physical challenges she faces and Eric does whatever he can to keep life as they knew it. Eric has maintained an incredible attitude. He always has a smile on his face, remaining upbeat and hopeful. He never once has expressed to us frustration or complained about their situation. He admires Colleen’s steadfast determination to keep on going, despite each day’s challenge. Through hospital and rehabilitation stays, Eric has remained by his bride’s side, encouraging and spurring her on. It is very common for him to spend the night with her at these facilities. Together they have faced challenges with great tenacity and determination to overcome and keep on going.

The traditions that they established in their younger years have continued to this day. From the simplest details of decorating for the holidays to remodeling their house and saving time for the water, unrelenting passions and a love for their God has kept them going. Dan and I have often discussed how difficult these last fifteen years must have been for them as a couple; we are convinced they are a true example of honoring one another.

Proverbs 4:23(NKJV)
Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.

Ruth 1:16-17(NKJV)
But Ruth said: “Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, And your God, my God.
Where you die, I will die, And there will I be buried. The Lord do so to me, and more also, If anything but death parts you and me.”

Taken from:  WE PROMISE ~ 18 Foundational Stones for an Unshakeable Marriage
Chapter ~ Honor Guards

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Burning Hearts

Luke 24:32(NKJV)
And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” 
What caused the disciples hearts to burn within?  The Greek meaning for the word burn means; to set on fire, that is, kindle or (by implication) consume:—burn, light.[i]
I believe the revelation that was given to the disciples about the Scriptures is what truly caused their hearts to burn.  The knowledge and insight was to such a level that it consumed them.  In verse 27 it says that Jesus explained all the scriptures about himself beginning with Moses and through the prophets.  Wow; all is a big word and that must have been a very deep teaching.  Then verse 45 goes on to say that Jesus opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.
Throughout the Bible we are challenged to seek the Lord.  Matthew 6:33(NKJV) says;
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. It also says in 1 Chronicles 16:11(NLT); Search for the LORD and for his strength; continually seek him.  The Hebrew meaning of seek is; diligently, inquire, make inquisition, question, require, search, seek surely, ask, beg, beseech, desire, enquire, get, make inquisition, procure, (make) request, require.[ii] 
In Proverbs 8:17 it says the Lord loves those who love Him and those who seek Him early and diligently will find Him.  If we find Him we will gain revelatory understanding into the Holy Word of God…because it is God breathed (2 Timothy 3:16).  Psalms 105:3 says our hearts will rejoice when we seek and require of the Lord.
Some of the last words Jesus spoke to the disciples are recorded in Luke 24:49 (NKJV);
Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.”
Since Jesus was to be ascending to heaven the Promise of the Holy Spirit is given to us (Acts 2:39).  This is the same Promise the disciples were given and they were endued with power from on high (Read Acts chapter 2).
My desire and I hope your desire is – for a burning heart!!  Desire a heart that is totally consumed with hunger for the Lord, which will cause us to increase in understanding of the truth of the living Word of God.

[i] Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Electronic Edition STEP Files Copyright © 1998, Parsons Technology, Inc.
[ii] Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Electronic Edition STEP Files Copyright © 1998, Parsons Technology, Inc.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


We have all heard the saying; “go big or go home”.  That great desire within us to do the spectacular even within the simple things of life, just the thought that “bigger” is better -has its hook in us.  What makes bigger better anyway?  Well I would rather have a bigger bank account than a small one at the same time I would rather have small debt versus big debt.  So I guess, “go big or go home” cannot be applied in all situations.
There is one area where I would like to encourage all of us to “go big”.  We need BIG FAITH.  Today I was reading the Bible and I ran across a scripture that just grabbed a hold of me and I had to dig deeper into that word.  Isaiah 7:9 (NKJV) says;  The head of Ephraim is Samaria, And the head of Samaria is Remaliah’s son.     If you will not believe,      Surely you shall not be established.”     The New Living version says:        Unless your faith is firm,      I cannot make you stand firm.” 
Wow, it is up to us to make ourselves firm in the faith.  That is easier said than done with arrows being shot at us from every direction.  Fears, worries, doubts, deception, and naysayers continually scream in our ears and distract our vision.  We must choose to stand regardless of our environmental circumstances; draw a line in the sand and do not relent.  The only way you will be able to draw that is to be thoroughly committed to the oracles of the Lord, deepen your relationship with God. 
Read the story of Noah in Genesis chapters 6-8.  Can you imagine building an ark when it had never rained before and it taking somewhere between 55-100 years to complete the task.  All the while naysayers are hurling insults at you….now that is big faith!  Now you may be saying well that was back in the Bible days.
Here is a today story that I am sure all of you can relate to.  I do not think there is a person in the good USA that has not heard the name Tebow.  Tim Tebow’s parents have what I would call big faith; here is the story of Pam Tebow (Tim Tebow’s mother):
In 1985, the family moved to the Philippines, where they lived as missionaries, sharing their Christian faith with the island's natives and building a ministry.
"It wasn't always easy, but it was a wonderful time for our family," Pam said. "We learned a lot - you always learn a lot when you visit a Third World country. You grow in appreciation for everything you have."
As the couple reached out to families across the island, they prayed to expand their own.
"We started praying for Timmy by name, and then we got pregnant so we just felt like God had a special plan for him," she said.
But while their prayers were answered, the pregnancy proved difficult from the beginning.
Just before her pregnancy, Pam fell into a coma after contracting amoebic dysentery, a bacteria transmitted through contaminated drinking water. During her recovery, she received a series of strong medications. And even though she discontinued the regimen when she discovered the pregnancy, doctors told Pam the fetus had been damaged.
Doctors later told Pam that her placenta had detached from the uterine wall, a condition known as placental abruption, which can deprive the fetus of oxygen and nutrients. Doctors expected a stillbirth, Pam said, and they encouraged her to terminate the pregnancy.
"They thought I should have an abortion to save my life from the beginning all the way through the seventh month," she recalled.
Pam said her decision to sustain the pregnancy was a simple one - because of her faith.
"We were grieved," she said. "And so my husband just prayed that if the Lord would give us a son, that he would let us raise him."
In her seventh month of pregnancy, Pam traveled to the country's capital, Manila, where she received around-the-clock care from an American-trained physician.
For the next two months, Pam - steadfastly praying for a healthy child - remained on bed rest.
And on her due date - Aug. 14, 1987 - Pam gave birth to Timothy Richard Tebow, who she described as "skinny, but rather long." "We were concerned at first because he was so malnourished, but he definitely made up for it," she said, between laughs. Today Tim, now 20, stands at a solid 6'3" and 235 pounds.
Tim was three years old when the family moved back to the U.S., where they settled on a small piece of land in Jacksonville. Pam home-schooled her five children, while Bob, an ordained minister, worked full time running the ministry in the Philippines. Today, the family ministry employs a full-time staff of 50 people and operates an orphanage that houses 50 children.
Pam said the children learned some of their most valuable lessons during missions trips each summer.
"That was very life impacting. It changes your children's perspectives because when you grow up in America, you think this is how all of life is," she said. "But when you see people eating out of garbage cans, it affects everything else you do."
She also points to home-schooling for shaping her children's lives. "It's not all about academics," she explained. "It's about teaching them everything they need to know to be successful in life, and the schools aren't going to teach those things."
But she said love and faith impacted them the most.
"We put scripture to tune to help them memorize it and that has been very life transforming," she said. "I can't always remind my children of the truth, but if God's word is in their hearts, then he himself can remind them."
"A really big factor is to love them unconditionally just like God loves us," Pam added. "Kids will do some amazing things if they are loved unconditionally."[i]

 Pam stood strong even in the face of opposition, she did not relent and believed her God was able!!  I too beleive in the Great I AM that I AM, He has the first word and the last word.  Praise the Lord!!

Monday, January 2, 2012


In August Dan and I entered the world of Smart phones.  Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I know we are somewhat behind.  This happened only after my husband continued to prod me to upgrade.  I am the “Queen of Thrift” and my philosophy is, if it ain’t broke you don’t fix it.  Finally he convinced me I was losing business because I do not text and potential customers were falling through the cracks of the communication grid.
So now that I understand what an “APP” is my daughter told me I must download “Angry Birds”.  This sounded creepy to me because I remembered the 1963 thriller movie, The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock.  In this movie flocks of birds began to attack people for no apparent reason.  So I downloaded “Angry Birds”, those colorful crazy animated birds and I thought to myself, this looks like a child’s game.
I have attempted several times to play “Angry Birds” and have been stuck at the same level ever since I downloaded the game.  No matter what strategy I come up with, I still cannot pass a certain level.
All of this got me to thinking about how anger does that to us in real life.  Anger keeps us stuck.  In fact it will invade every area of our life destroying each part little by little.  This may creep in slowly so we do not realize what has really transpired and how this “angry bird” has built its nest in our life hatching more angry birds.  Just like in the game, eventually that bird is launched and it will destroy the target it was intended for.  The enemy (the devil) has one plan according to John 10:10a (NKJV), The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.
The Bible tells us in Ephesians 4:26, “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, …Now that is a tall order because most of us believe we have the right to be angry, especially when someone has caused an offense against us.  We want to take matters into our own hands and make sure justice prevails at any cost.  We are ready to duke it out!  However, this will never bring the results we truly desire and if we can just get past ourselves the Lord has a much better way.  Hebrews 10:30 (NKJV) declares; For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. And again, “The Lord will judge His people.”   
Have you ever seen an angry person having fun or happy?  Of course not; all of their energy is consumed by anger (it takes a lot of energy to stay angry).  Anger is such a joy stealer.  Sometimes you just need to let it go.

Disclaimer:  if you are a victim of domestic violence seek help immediately, do not delay.  For more information on domestic violence go to this website but do not access from your home computer if you are living with an abuser.  www.abigails.org
Domestic violence is a very serious misunderstood matter, this type of violence and anger should never be tolerated.  Safety is paramount for women and children, please seek help from your local YWCA or call 211 from a land phone line.