Friday, June 15, 2012


This Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day.  I encourage all of us to study our Fathers. Find out something about them that you never knew.  When you study for a test, a job skill or hobby; time and effort is put in to make sure your best can be done.  I can assure you the time and the effort you put into learning about your Father will reap rewards for a lifetime.

Recently I asked my grandchildren what was their favorite thing about their Dad. 

Family #1:
8 yr. old girl:  He tickles us.
5 yr. old boy:  He takes me to the movies and plays with me.
3 yr. old boy:  He plays basketball with me.
The Mom:  He is a hands on Dad.

Family #2:
8yr. old girl:  He is always there for me.
3 yr. old girl:  He takes me fishing.
The Mom:  He plays with the girls on their level.  Now this daughter also responded and wanted to tell her favorite thing about her Dad (Dan):  He taught me never to give up, to go down fighting and swinging. (Oh, by the way that was not a literally statement…Dan did not teach the girls how to box!!)

A common thread runs through those responses and it is time.  Dad's your kids love you to spend time with them!

January of 2006 my Father passed away.  I was amazed at the things I learned about my Dad at his funeral.  I was also shocked to see there was not even standing room left at the funeral.  Unfortunately I did not realize how many lives my Dad had impacted while here on this earth. I wished I had taken the time while my Father was alive to learn those things about him, the priceless stories people told me at his funeral.  You see Kenneth (my Father) was a carpenter by trade and he had invested in countless young men teaching them the trade and giving those young men their livelihood.  Kenneth also attended every military funeral within Branch County and beyond. A bus was used to bring former military to attend Dad’s funeral.  However, active military attended also.  The funeral director made mention that Ken’s funeral was the largest military funeral they had ever had. Yes, my Dad was extremely patriotic.    My husband Dan delivered the message that day and I had the opportunity to also speak.  Below is what I presented at Dad’s funeral.

Kenneth Stamp my father was a carpenter.

 One of the things I admired most about my father was, his God given talent to take wood and turn it into something beautiful and useful.  In his younger years constructing commercial buildings, houses, house additions and remodeling projects-to his retirement years of making toy boxes for our children. If you were to go to my parents house right now into the basement or garage you will find unfinished projects.  Many times I wish I would have inherited his talent in carpentry; especially when I endeavor to fix something myself.

This last week as we watched my father slowly pass away; I watched the many times my mother would pick up my Dad’s hands and say “these hands have done a lot of work and made many things”  Thursday when we were with my mother as she picked out Dad’s casket, she was drawn to this casket.  She said it reminded her of my Dad and something he would have built.  I agree.

My father was a carpenter and I love him.

There is another carpenter who I love more than life itself.  His name is Jesus Christ.  Yes, Jesus was a carpenter on this physical earth that is how he made his living.  But that is not why he came to this earth.  My old pastors of 17yrs. use to say for every thing in the physical; there is a spiritual application.  Just as a carpenter takes a piece of wood and uses it to fashion, shape and build, Jesus came to build fashion and shape lives.

When a carpenter builds a house he must make sure the foundation is solid.  The foundation is the strongest part of the house and must be to with stand storms, wind and rain.  In Matthew 7:24-27 is the story of the house built on sand and the house build on the rock.  Just as the foundation of a physical house must be strong; so must the foundation of our lives.  If we have a solid foundation built on the Rock of Christ Jesus we will be able to with stand the storms of this life.

I would like to give you an opportunity to ask Jesus to be your savior. If you have never made a commitment to Jesus or would like to renew your commitment to the Lord Jesus, we will take a moment now.   My husband has already quoted many scriptures in reference to eternal life.  The one we are most familiar with is John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

There is only one way to the Father in heaven and that is through Jesus.

If you will repeat this simple prayer today your name will be written in the Lamb’s Book of life and you will be heaven bound. 

Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you in Jesus name.  Your word says all have fallen short of the glory of God.  I ask you to forgive me of my sins and wash me white as snow.  I recognize Jesus Christ is the Son of the one true living God.  I invite him into my heart to be my savior. I desire a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank you Father for today my name has been written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and I am Heaven bound.  Amen

If you prayed that prayer for the first time or are renewing your commitment to Jesus I encourage you to do three things to start your life anew in Jesus
  • Pray everyday
  • Read your Bible everyday
  • If you do not have a Bible believing church to attend I encourage to find one

FATHER'S - the leader of the pack!!

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