Monday, February 20, 2012



Today the quote; “time stands still for no man” has been reverberating through my heart.  I was wondering who was responsible for that quote and to the best of my research it would appear JFK said it.  Time certainly did not stand still for him, a life cut short.  Dan and I have shared a lot of life together so far and as of late I have been reminded of the wonder of life.  Sometimes we literally must stop our hurried selves and reflect on the wonder of life because it is conceived, born, lives and dies.   We cannot recapture yesterday, it is a memory that cannot be relived and time fades those memories as we endeavor to recapture the details of what happened in our yesterdays.  After all, was it not just yesterday I was having babies?

Currently we share five grandchildren and the fall of ’11 brought with it news that our youngest daughter was with child for the first time.  Monica has drawn me into her pregnancy in a very unique way.  Maybe it is because my twenty-nine year old baby (my youngest) is having a baby.  My other daughters were younger when they announced their first pregnancies and I think because Monica is older it has brought with it a much different sense in my heart or it may just be that she has always been my “deep thinker”.  From the time she was a toddler I knew one day she would do something that required very detailed thinking and skills.  She did not prove me wrong, her secular job demands extreme research into very minute’ details with total accuracy.  In fact there was a time when one of her jobs required 99.9% accuracy.  This part of her temperament that is detail orientated is incredibly in tune with the child growing in her womb.   Just as her secular job requires detailed research, one of her new projects is researching and discovering the creation of new life.   In fact many times I have had to warn her not to let it become a fear of; “what ifs”, in regards to her unborn child.  She has now overcome those fears of “what ifs” and is embracing the wonder of the life growing within her.  Monica purchased a fetal monitor and I have been able to hear my grandchild’s heartbeat, the sound of life beating within my daughter sends chills down my spine.  Images come in my mind of that tiny life, safe, secure, warm, innocent and comfortable.  This precious baby is listening to the mama’s heartbeat, hearing every breath she takes and feeling every move she makes.  My tiny grandchild knows his or her mother in a way I will never know her even though I bore her.  You see, this baby knows her internally-so close to every vital organ with the realization of what is keeping both of them alive.  Oh my, the wonder of life!  Just imagine a baby is with mama 24/7 for nine months, this baby is a constant companion, a connection to mother and baby that is only known by them.

Reflecting on this growing life, sheltered within my daughter’s womb brings a greater awareness of what the Lord said throughout scripture, about us and how He values life.  Only the Creator of Heaven and earth could make possible this miracle!  We are all an incredible miracle, why do we doubt that?

Psalms 139:13(NLT)
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Psalms 119:73(NLT)
You made me; you created me. Now give me the sense to follow your commands.

Job 10:11(NLT)
You clothed me with skin and flesh, and you knit my bones and sinews together.

Isaiah 44:2(NLT)
The LORD who made you and helps you says: Do not be afraid, O Jacob, my servant, O dear Israel, my chosen one.

Isaiah 44:24(NLT)
This is what the LORD says— your Redeemer and Creator: “I am the LORD, who made all things. I alone stretched out the heavens. Who was with me when I made the earth?

Isaiah 49:5(NLT)
And now the LORD speaks— the one who formed me in my mother’s womb to be his servant, who commissioned me to bring Israel back to him. The LORD has honored me, and my God has given me strength.

Jeremiah 1:5(NLT)
“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”

Yesterday my daughter called me about a dream she had, I cannot say whether or not this dream is from the Lord but what I do know is the impression it left her was a miracle of truth.  Below is a glimpse of a portion of her dream:

In my dream I was holding my "newborn" baby girl in my arms.  She was talking to me.  I think I knew she was being touched by God because I knew newborns couldn't talk.  But it didn't scare me that she was talking to me, it was very peaceful.  She was telling me that she "knew" Jesus and I got the sense that she had been with Him or in the presence of God…..She may have told me something about me being her mother too. … I "think" I asked God in my dream about why she only talked for a short time and He told me He was using her to give me a message… What I got from this dream is my unborn/developing baby DOES know Jesus and our little nugget IS fearfully and wonderfully made.  Like our lil' nugget is with Jesus or in the presence of the Lord while in my womb. 



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